San Pedro is noted for having a wide variety of income producing properties. The most popular properties are those falling into the 2-4 unit category. Novice and experienced investors prefer 2 to 4 units as financing can be much more favorable and the smaller size units are easier to manage and maintain for the do-it-yourself investors.
Charlemagne Int'l Properties (310.525.9440) just added a jewel to the list of available 2-4 units currently for sale in San Pedro, CA. The property consists of one two-bedroom unit and two one-bedroom units. All units are currently occupied. The two-bedroom units has interior laundry hookups and garage. The one bedroom units have on site laundry facilities. Asking price is $519,900. Offers are subject to inspection.
For more information regarding income and expenses contact Josh Toering at 310.525.9440 or email him at
- $37,200 - Gross annual income
- $1400/month - Rent on 2 bedroom, 1 bath detached home with 2 car garage.
- $875/month - Rent on 1 bedroom, 1 bath duplex unit
- $825/month - Rent on 1 bedroom, 1 bath duplex unit
View the MLS stats and information on the triplex for sale at 1128 Mesa in San Pedro CA.

Call 310.493.8333 to request your free property analysis.